EOSCU Component Warranty Registration Form: Part 1
Thank you for working with EOScu Preventive|Biocidal Surfaces™.
This warranty card is for the fabrication of components of furnishings or other items where you, as the fabricator, are NOT delivering or installing the EOSCU into the end user facility. Instead, you are acting as a 3rd party supplier providing the component(s) to a customer that will in turn produce and deliver a finished good to the end user facility. If you are installing EOSCU in an end user facility use this warranty registration card.
Please review the list of items below to ensure you have gathered all the necessary information.
You must complete all steps in one sitting.
- Basic contact information for you, the Fabricator (name, company, phone, email, address)
- Date of your EOScu certified fabricator training (this will be on your certificate)
- Distributor who sold you the EOScu material
- Basic contact information for your Customer (company, address, order number, point of contact name & email)
- Lot numbers & application of the EOScu product (example: GRYBE0500002-001 table tops) Download a log template here.
- You have adhered the EPA required installation tags to each finished EOSCU component/ item. If not, request materials here.
- Please Note: EOSCU Components / Items less than 2 sqft in size are NOT required to have an EPA required installation tag on each component/item.